Warden WA4 Plumbing Control System
Warden is a multi purpose electronic control system for ensuring ultimate security and economy of plumbing fixtures. This coupled with our plumbing fixtures gives you a complete solution to every high security application (see stainless steel san
WA4 - Warden 4 Plumbing Control
Warden Electronic Shower
WARDEN 4 is a multi purpose electronic control system for ensuring ultimate security and economy of plumbing fixtures in prison, police station, and courthouse cells'.
WA-SH1 - For 1 shower.
WA-SH2 - For 2 showers.
WA-SH3 - For 3 showers.
WA-SH4 - For 4 showers.
WA-SH2-PP - Pre-assembled panel for 2 showers.
WA-SH3-PP - Pre-assembled panel for 3 showers.
WA-SH4-PP - Pre-assembled panel for 4 showers.
CO550MFL - 550x550mm metal access panel with lock
MacDonald Anti Ligature Basin Bubbler
The MacDonald Security bubbler is designed to be installed over basins where there is potential for a high degree of vandalism or where there is a need to provide an non-ligature plumbing fitting.
WA-BU-20 - Standard bubbler for panel mounting only - 6 star WELS rating.
WA-BU-100 - As above but for 30-130mm through wall.
WA-BU-150 - As above but for 130-180mm through wall.
WA-BU-200 - As above but for 180-230 through wall.